The voice of Finnish business
We represent and defend the interests of the Finnish business community – both on the national level, as well as in the EU and international level. We are engaged in dialogue with decision makers in all subjects relevant to our members such as corporate legislation, taxation, trade policy, innovation environment, SME entrepreneurship as well as energy and climate politics.
EK represents the entire private sector and companies of all sizes:
- 19 member associations
- 15,300 member companies across all business sectors (96% SMEs)
- Member companies employ 900,000 emloyees
EK’s organization consists of 80 professionals, located in our Helsinki headquarters and Brussels office.
EK is a member of BUSINESSEUROPE, the European-level association for employers, commerce and industry and IOE, the International Organisation of Employers. We are also active in the OECD and the ILO.
The General Assembly is the highest decision making body, consisting of around 125 business executives nominated by EK’s member associations. The General Assembly has the mandate to elect the Board of Directors as well as to accept the budget and the annual strategy of EK.
The Board of Directors consists of business executives, chosen by EK’s member associations. The Board nominates the Director General, as well the Committee members.
The Director General has the primary responsibility for the management of EK operations.
The Committees are advisory bodies where business executives (nominated by the member associations) contribute to EK’s agenda and positions. Committees operate on following topics:
• Delegation for Entrepreneurs (EK contact person Petri Vuorio)
• Economy and tax (EK contact person Lauri Lehmusoja)
• Energy and climate (EK contact person Kati Ruohomäki)
• EU (EK contact person Päivi Wood)
• Legal affairs (EK contact person Peppiina Huhtala)
• Business transformation (EK contact person Mika Tuuliainen)
• Logistics (EK contact person Tiina Haapasalo)
• Skilled work force (EK contact person Mikko Räsänen)
• Trade Policy (EK contact person Heli Siikaluoma)