​Ihmiskaupan vastaisesta toiminnasta tehty Euroopan neuvoston yleissopimus; osapuolten komitean suositus; täytäntöönpanon seuranta

Ulkoministeriö | 21.9.2020 | PC0TMWMA-33

Ulkoministeriö on pyytänyt lausuntoja yleissopimuksen täytäntöönpanon edistämisestä välittömiä toimia edellyttävien suositusten osalta. Elinkeinoelämän keskusliitto EK kiinnittää huomiota suosituksen kohtaan 63, joka koskee työperäistä hyväksikäyttöä. 

 The Confederation of Finnish Industries EK supports the recommendations brought forward in the art. 63 on labour exploitationTHB is a matter of serious, often organized crime. It is our understanding that labour exploitation is often associated with other forms of crime. To increase the efficiency of occupational safety and health inspections, in addition to proper resources and training, the cooperation between different authorities needs to be improved. The authorities right to share information must be expanded and ensured. This includes the police, tax authorities, immigration service amongst others.  

The Confederation of Finnish Industries EK has launched a campaign to reduce exploitation of foreign workers in the labor market. In the campaign EK promotes improving the rights of the exploited and calls for more and better targeted information of Finnish working life for foreign workers before and during their stay in Finland, preferably in their own language. EK also raises the Finnish companies awareness and abilities to recognize and abolish labour exploitation in value chains. In this work EK makes use of the updated version of HEUNI’s guide for companies. 

Furthermore, EK has proposed new criminal sanctioning for exploitation in employment relationship.